Committee newsletter
Summer 2021
It seems amazing that we are nearing the end of another academic year at Poppleton Under 5s and preparing to wave goodbye to some of our children as they move on to school. The unusual circumstances this year haven’t stopped us enjoying our sessions and we are delighted that our children have made great progress in their learning and playing.
We recently held our AGM and are happy to report that all of the major committee roles are filled, and we also have a growing bank of volunteers who help us out on an occasional and ad hoc basis. All the help you give is very much appreciated.
The church build project continues and the new hall is due to be finished at the end of October 2021. Until then we will continue to use our outdoor play space at the front of the Church where the children enjoy engaging in their own activities as well as watching the construction traffic, the horses, motorbikes and glider planes!
With the move to the new hall on the horizon we are hoping to increase the number of sessions we can offer you during 2022 and so are planning to recruit a new senior member of staff who can help manage the setting alongside Mandy and work any new sessions alongside Zoe. If you are interested or know anyone who might want to join our team please check out the advert on our website and get in touch.
Our next fundraising project will be to raise money to develop the outdoor garden/play space at the rear of the Church. This will be a large project and will continue into 2022. So please look out for more details as we get going with this exciting project.
And we are also pleased to tell you that Popp and Play will return on alternate Friday afternoons from September. Little Friends will continue to meet – please see our facebook page for the latest details.
And finally, please find attached a feedback form. Do stay in touch with us and let us know your thoughts and requests as to how we can best meet your and your child(ren)s needs.
With best wishes from all of the committee for a warm, dry and happy Summer.